[pct-l] How Many Trail Shoes / When to buy them

montypct montypct at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 22:05:11 CST 2008

Hi Kathleen
>I have also read that feet sometimes swell/expand, sometimes even a 1/2
size larger. Thoughts?

There are a few people whose feet expanded 1/2 size.  There are MANY more than that whose feet expanded a full size or more.
My first time I wore shoes my regular size for the first 110 miles.  My feet never recovered the entire season.

I buy my shoes 1 1/2 to 2 sizes bigger.  If i stay below 35 miles a day i don't get blisters.

>But I cringe at the thought of breaking in a
new pair of shoes on trail. Thoughts?

The number one solution is not in the shoes.  If my feet are "broken in" or conditioned maybe 70 days in advance, the hazards of breaking in a new pair of shoes is greatly reduced.
I have never had to worry about breaking in shoes, especially if they fit well to begin with.  I buy lightweight trailrunners that are flexible and oversized.  I bought three pair in December.  I am "breaking them in" anyway.  I got a defective shoe of a type i had been using last year that about killed me.  When my new shoes are shipped to me they will be test driven.

So I do shoes in advance, 2 sizes too big, flexible trail runners, enough room to move from side to side and never laced with any tension.  Your mileage may vary.

Oh, I also buy shoes by phone or online and have them shipped ahead, but that's how I got that defective pair... careful.

Warner Springs Monty
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