[pct-l] Too many people

jomike at cot.net jomike at cot.net
Mon Feb 4 13:32:55 CST 2008

I agree with Radar...too much; wrong site; I too am deleting.

are we there yet

  IMO anything that has to do with wilderness, backcountry, hiking, bears, etc., is not OT.  That includes over-population (discussions).  I am sad that you don't see it as relevant.  Perhaps we'll wind up like other countries that only allow backcountry travel by permit, and only so many people out on the trail at aany given time.  That may be a good thing, who knows.  I do try to limit myself to 2 or 3 at the most, responses to these posts.  I think this discussion is worthy of those posts and I'm sorry you won't read this, but respect your right to your opinion.
When I read these type of messages I go through these stages:

1) start writing a rebuttal
2) start writing a complaint about off topic postings
3) just delete the message and move on
4) realize that they will never stop if I go with 3
5) realize that they will never stop if I go with 2
6) realize that they will never stop if I go with 1
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