[pct-l] Sierra High Route

Andrew Skurka askurka at comcast.net
Tue Dec 30 15:16:41 CST 2008

Hi everybody, Happy New Year.

I wanted to send a post about the Sierra High Route, a seldom done 195-mile
trek that parallels the PCT/JMT.  If you are looking for a spectacular,
relatively short thru-hike option that is not the JMT, or if you are looking
to spice up a weekend- to week-long trip in the High Sierra, the SHR may be
worth looking into.  This is a truly superb route -- it's demanding in terms
of physical effort and backcountry skills, yet it's doable by those with
moderate experience; it has a very positive effort-to-rewards ratio; and it
showcases the majesty of the Sierra like none other.

To date there has been little information readily available about the SHR.
A guidebook was published by renowned climber Steve Roper, the route's
developer; but it left the SHR still adventurous and mysterious, perhaps
somewhat intentionally.  Thankfully the information gap has shrank, and I'd
like to think that the SHR is more accessible now.  

A few key links are provided below.  If you have additional questions I'd be
happy to answer them as best I can if you send me an email.  Good luck!

Guidebook - Sierra High Route: Traversing Timberline Country, by Steve Roper

Sierra High Route Mapset and Databook

My SHR pictures and videos, plus hiking and planning advice

Chris Willet's pictures, plus good route info

Backpacker Rocky Mtn Editor Steve Howe's SHR experience

Wiki page

Andrew Skurka
M: 508/259-9814

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