[pct-l] PCT Atlas

Robert W. Freed robert at engravingpros.com
Fri Dec 26 11:57:56 CST 2008

You have a valid point. I'm just sad that there is so much information about the trail.
My first time through I was half lost most of the time wondering if I was going to
make it to the next town. Twenty five years later (my second time through) that
feeling of adventure was almost completely gone with the pct guide books. In the
near future we will have trail towns with communities dependent on the annual hiker
dollar. Get your pct snow globe here!
I just noticed you repleid via BlackBerry.
Back in my day we had to walk twenty miles to school...   :)
I guess I'm getting old, Robert.
What's that per mile? It replaces all the other books with only what you
really need maybe.
------Original Message------
From: Robert W. Freed
So no one else thinks that the pct atlas is to expensive as is?
I've been looking at the $150 price tag and thinking, "is it really
worth it?" Did I hear correctly that there will be a substantial
price increase? I guess the days of wood frame packs and
pieced together top maps are long gone. Sigh... the modern
pct hiker just needs a Blackberry and a Holiday Inn Express
card. I know, I know... to each his own hike
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