[pct-l] Compass

Paul Magnanti pmags at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 23 14:53:42 CST 2008

As with most of equipment, I like to KISS.

So, I just use a Suunto A-10 or similar. (My CDT compass was the upgrade version for $15..had a magnifying glass! :D)

I believe it is the partner compass now:

Less than an ounce, simple, reliable, only $10. I personally don't like compasses with a declination setter; I find it easier to just
to add or subtract declination as needed.  I also do not like compasses with a sighting mirror, I find the sighting mirror
makes it harder to use on a map. 

You probably don't need even this fancy of a compass on the PCT (the simple one Brick mention is probably fine). Maps are probably
more useful,  but  I like having a  "real" compass myself.

I use compasses somewhat frequently personally as I enjoy off trail travel. Off course, when my friend Dave is with us, I don't need a compass or map.
He's one of those rare people who instinctively know how to read terrain and has a photographic memory. I fumble around and have to work at it. :)
(In all seriousness, I *always* take a map and compass...)

As always, YMMV. At the end of the day, you just need something simple, effective and works for *you*.

The true harvest of my life is intangible.... a little stardust 
caught, a portion of the rainbow I have clutched

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