[pct-l] Sleeping Bag Ratings

Eric Lee (GAMES) elee at microsoft.com
Thu Dec 11 14:15:31 CST 2008

Bamboo Bob wrote:
So ... is a 20 degree bag good enough for the colder days on the PCT more or
less with a lot of caveats. What degree bag would people bring?

With lots of caveats, I'd say yes, a 20 degree bag should be sufficient for any weather you're likely to encounter during a typical thru-hike.  Unless you know you're a cold sleeper, I don't see the need for a warmer bag than that.

Personally, I use a Marmot Hydrogen bag rated to 30 degrees, but I also use a silk bag liner (to keep the bag clean) and I wear more clothing to bed (up to and including my down jacket, if necessary) if it gets much colder than freezing.  I've cowboy camped in that bag through a ~20 degree night and woken up coated in thick layers of frost, but was comfortable inside with the liner and wearing normal pants, a light insulating vest, and a windbreaker.  Of course I had the bag's hood cinched down tight.  I've never had to actually resort to wearing my down jacket in the bag, which is good because that's my pillow.  :-)

That bag is several years old now, though, and it's not quite as fluffy as it once was.  It's probably time to wash it, and maybe replace it before too much longer.


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