[pct-l] hunters on the trail

Marion Davison mardav at charter.net
Mon Dec 8 22:39:35 CST 2008

On my fall hikes in the San Bernardinos, I sometimes encounter hunters. 
  Since I hike with llamas I get a little concerned.  I hope they are 
really sure of what they are shooting at when they spot a big brown 
furry thing moving in the woods.
But I had to laugh one day when we hiked into South Fork meadows for 
lunch.  On the way back we spotted three hunters hunkered over the trail 
in deep conversation.  As we approached they looked up at us, looked at 
each other, and started guffawing.  They pointed to the tracks left by 
our llamas on the inbound trip and said, "we thought we were tracking 
the three biggest elk in the wilderness!"

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