[pct-l] FAQ (A newbie's opinion)

Scott thehairlesscat at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 12:44:26 CST 2008

I like the idea of a FAQ since I don't think there's much fear of posters to
this list ever fearing providing aan opinion.  That being said, I think it's
best used as an extra point rather than a solve all.

For example, I post some question like . . .
I was wondering if anyone's ever hiked in high heels to get through the
snow.  Would this work?

And someone answers. . .
Probably a pretty bad idea (maybe even stupid but you could try it).  For
further info on suggested footwear, check the FAQ at http://blahblahblah.net

Just my 2 cents.

-Trailcat if this message is hiker related.

Disclaimer: Trailcat should be taken to imply no actual cat-like ability
including but not limited to the ability to land upright or show any kind of
grace in motion whatsoever.  Scott should be taken to be my name and no
ability to play the bagpipes should be inferred.

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