[pct-l] FAQ

Wes wb104475 at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 3 02:31:26 CST 2008

Hi Ralph,

One way to create a searchable archive is to do the following:

1. Open MS Word or comparable program
2. Open the PCT-L archives
3. On the PCT-L page archiving all the available months, look for the
    "downloadable version" column.  Notice the hyperlink named
    " [ Gzip'd Text 242 KB ]" (November 08)
4. Select said hyperlink and the entire months list entries open on
    a single document.  Select All, copy, toggle to your Word document 
    and paste.
5. In a few moments you can have all twelve months on a single, 
    searchable document to do your research.  

I was able to cut and paste July through December 2008 in approximately
60 seconds using short cut keyboard strokes.  The word document created
contains 1,889 pages and 653,819 words.

FYI, the name "Postholer" occurs 612 times between July and December 2.

Ralph wrote:
I haven't found a way to do it other than one month at a time. Please prove me

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