[pct-l] Dixon Rollerpack

Hiker97 hiker97 at aol.com
Tue Dec 2 04:14:40 CST 2008

Tom, the Incredible Bulk writes: SB, wheeled devices of any kind are not allowed on the PCT, or so I have been told.   
Switchback replies: I think you are right.  Time for a change. Time for us disabled adventurers to be allowed on the trail too.  The cart's wheel, I would think, is a lot less damaging to the PCT than horses --- a lot less, if any at all.  Plus, the cart does not have some sanitation habits that horses have.  

Wheeled mountain bikes are a lot different.  The rider sits on top of the bike.  The wheels take a lot of pressure to the ground and there is the accompanying trail damage.  And bikes can go fast on the trail and cause safety concerns for hikers.  

I want to be the first person to thru cart the PCT.  This will be outstanding.  I will be a hero to all physically challenged adventurers and regular hikers too.  Cool.  A new trend will be started.  I was thinking that if I used the pack cylinders over at Luxurylite.com, they would fit nicely on the cart.  

A super light weight carbon fiber cart is next.  Then all the Ultra Lite cottage industry gear folks will make gear for carts.  Their sales will sky-rocket.  Hikers will no longer be beasts of burden.  A new world of adventure will open for everyone.  All because of Switchback.  I thank you. 

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