[pct-l] Dangerous ford near Lava Spring (40 miles south of White Pass) puts at least 2 thru hikers off the trail
Piroska Balogh
piros4 at comcast.net
Sat Sep 15 23:40:01 CDT 2007
Hi all,
I'm really sorry to hear about Ladybug getting hurt at the Lava
Spring ford. I can only imagine how frustrated she must be. Like
other athletes, we long distance hikers face debilitating injuries
that cut short our dreams. I'm grateful to the PCT-L because it gives
all of us to learn from other hikers experiences both good and bad.
I'm only an Oregon and Washington section hiker but have found that
both on the PCT and elsewhere, fording a steam (I use hiking poles)
and getting wet feet is generally safer than crossing on logs. Of
course, there are exceptions like the Suiattle that is too deep to
ford but if a stream is under butt deep, I'll ford it instead of
risking a log crossing. Logs are always tempting because staying dry
is more comfortable especially when its cold but I've found that wet
feet are not so bad and can even feel refreshing after a long day of
hiking. I forded everything except the Suiattle and another stream
that I can't remember the name of in the Glacier Peak unmaintained
section this last August. Yeah, I had wet feet for 3 days but they
would have been wet anyway from the wet brush and overall, I think I
stayed safer because I didn't risk walking across logs, except for
the one stream (I butt slid the Suiattle log). This isn't a criticism
of Ladybug's decisions (or anyone else) who has hiked farther than I
have on the PCT, just my 2 cents on my own trail experience.
Last Cookie
> Carl,
> Given that Ladybug has shared this in her on-line journal I think
> it can be shared on this list. She did not break her ankle at this
> ford. She broke both the tibia and fibula in her leg. She has a
> total of 13 different breaks and was scheduled to have surgery this
> morning. She posted a note in her journal of the rescue operation
> and the amazing support she received from her fellow thru-hikers.
> I am very sad that this amazing woman is off the trail again this
> year. This is two years in a row that injury has cut her journey
> short of her goal.
> Elevator
> -------------- Original message --------------
> From: "carl myhill" <carl at litsl.com>
>> There is a small muddy ford with a log across it just south of
>> Lava Spring
>> (South of Goat Rocks). It looks a bit sketchy. As you cross it, if
>> you have
>> poles you will notice they go very deep, which puts you off
>> balance. It's
>> not easy and the alternative is a thigh-deep ford.
>> I'm sorry to spread around other people's business but I heard
>> Ladybug broke
>> her ankle at this ford just before I got there (that would be late
>> last
>> week). I was talking to Amtrak today and he too sprained his ankle
>> there and
>> is now off the trail.
>> I don't know if the PCT Organization can do anything about things
>> like this
>> but it is clearly dangerous. I thought it worth posting here as a
>> bit of a
>> warning. This is passable by all means but be careful and be aware
>> that at
>> least 2 thru-hikers have been cut short here.
>> Carl
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