[pct-l] Ok,, I will be going to ALDHA-West..

ed faubert edfaubert at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 8 16:16:09 CDT 2007

  Glad to hear your going to be at Aldha West this year again. Nice to see that Tortoise is coming as well this year. Its always good to see old friends and new ones in person. Between ADZ and Aldha W its the 2 best places to see friends gathering to talk PCT. This is another reason i go back east to Aldha E each year as well . Going to all 3 of these i see literaly 100s of old friends dating back to 05. If you cann't hike the trail each year being around folks who are doing it is the next best thing. Two guys i know from 98 at Keneddy Meadows are a week away from compleating the CDT.... way to go Jim and Mark....
  Meadow Ed 

Monte Dodge <montedodge at msn.com> wrote:
           I got Thursday and Friday off , along will Saturday and Sunday. I fly into Reno  On Thursday and Fly out of Reno Sunday at 1:00p.m. Hope to see you folks. No real time to hike unless I can get a short trip in on Thursday , camp thrusady night and hike out on Friday. See you folks soon,,,,,,,,######$$$$$*****@@@@  Monte PCT 1927   That's right,,, I hiked it 50 years before 1977, I am really 99 years old and just young for my age.........

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