[pct-l] StarMan List of Thank Yous

frankgilliland at comcast.net frankgilliland at comcast.net
Sun May 27 22:23:22 CDT 2007

I had a great SOBO from Mt. Whitney to "The House of Saufley".  Left from
the ADZKO and almost made it to the summit.

So here is a partial list of WHO made it all possible:

My wife, trail name: "St. Barbara the Patron Saint of the PCT".  She ok'd
the trip and dropped me off at the airport at 5 in the morning.

Squeak for taking me to the KO.  (two years in a row)

All of the KO staff who put on another great event.  Way to go Strider.....

All of the Wonderful folks that shared a beer or a discussion or a hug at
the kick off.

The Leki rep for the tune up on my poles, Switchback for the umbrella and
Ron Moak for sewing on the cover for me.  Switchback again for the camera
holder and the orange tent stake paint job and the umbrella holder.

Deems Burton and Kelly who shared there camp and then took me and Chris
Knight up to Whitney Portal.  Chris for trying to summit with me and the
common sense to abort at the icy switchbacks.  LoneWolf for the drive to
Trail Pass so that I could continue on my SOBO.

The Kind folks at Kennedy Meadows for holding my box, and providing the
necessary town food and beverages.

Now for the big one:  To Pete Fish and the Trail Gorillas for there WORK on
clearing all the down falls just south of Kennedy.  This was a great moment
for me to actually meet the hardest trail worker ever to step foot on the

ALL of the Thru hikers and section hikers that stopped for a quick chat or a
long sit down talk on the side of the trail: 
Partial list: Trekker, Papa Bear, Ma and Pa Kettle, Len, IronMan, Berkley
Bill, Kurt and Silver, Trowler, Jerry, Dave, Don, Gary, "T.O.B", Jane, Phil
and Steve, Splash, Squirrel Hunter and Stetson, Bison Ed, Lady Bug, Jewels,
Mountain Girl, Tree Whisperer, TreeHugger, Saunter, and many others

Trail Magic at Walker pass by Daniel's Dad and Splash.  Nothing better than
sodas and fried chicken....

As I was walking over Hiway 58 at that very second AsABat, driving by saw me
and pulled over, taking me into a much needed rest in the town of Mojave.  I
like both Mojave and Tehachapi, but Mojave has a certain feeling of home for

The Best motel, the Road House Diner, China Bowl Restaurant and of Course
the PO in Mojave.

The ride out of town on Mother's day by a working mom who made a U-turn to
drive me back to the trail.  What a true Trail Angel!

Bob at Hiker Town for the trip to the store and his water stash.

Papa Bear for his Trail Magic at the Canfields water cache (mile 495).  That
was a real treat of beer, chips, fruit and brownies.  

Then came the Anderson's. They have a spirit and a love that can only be
experienced.  You have to visit them.  You just have to.  I am still
laughing every time I think of them.  Thank You!  The Water stashes alone,
this year saved a lot of hiker butt!

OK, Next are the Saufley's.  If you have been there, then I do not need to
say another word.  They feed off of Thank You's alone.  So Thank You!

And of course a special mention to "Big Red" and the REI trip crew for
dropping me off at the bus stop for my flight out of LAX.  Finally another
thank you to my wife for picking me up at 11:30pm.

At some point I have to end this list.  Here is my favorite magic moment.  I
met up with Kurt at the Sweetwater Grocery.  The kind butcher packaged and
marinated a perfect Tri-tip.  All three times I have passed thru the
Saufley's I have made one great meal on the grill and shared it with a thru
hiker.  What a great meal and what a great memory.

Hillary wrote a book called "It Takes a Village"  On the PCT it is more
like: "It Takes a Tribe"

Thanks to all listed above and to all I met and forgot your name.  That's
what happens on the trail.

StarMan (now about 4,200 PCT miles)
frankgilliland at comcast.net

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