[pct-l] Food Options

jeff.singewald at comcast.net jeff.singewald at comcast.net
Sun May 20 22:53:42 CDT 2007


Glad to hear that you are taking your first trip out on the PCT.  I'm willing to bet you are going to have an incredible journey.  You will hear many different opinions on this list, but when someone shares an opinion like:

"You're making a classic first-timer's mistake, and practically guaranteeing that your hike will fail (assuming you're thru-hiking,"

Take it for what it's worth.  It is only one opinion.  Bill has no clue as to your ability and to state that you are practically guaranteeing that your hike will fail is complete BS.  Last year, I purchased nearly 3 months of food supplies in advance for my thru-hike and would not have changed a thing.  This strategy worked very well for me.  I did a lot of research prior to my hike and found 12 dehydrated/freeze-dried dinners from Mary Jane Farms and Alpine Aire that I enjoyed.  I had no problems coordinating my resupplies so that I rarely ate the same people more than once every twelve days.

Don't worry about making first-timer mistakes... you will learn from them and you will be better for it.  Take our advise for what it's worth but in the long run, do what you think is best, and throw up the finger to anyone that suggests that your hike is practically guarnateed to fail simply because you are not doing the hike the way that they would do it.


-------------- Original message -------------- 
From: "William Skaggs" <weskaggs at primate.ucdavis.edu> 

> >>From: "Daniel Shephard" 
> >I'm hiking with 2 other guys (all in our 20s in good shape) and am wondering 
> what people suggest as far as packing food if we don't plan on resupplying any 
> more often than 2 weeks. 
> > [...] 
> >So basically, my question is: what is the cheapest, lightest way to carry 
> enough food for 3 guys. I do have a stove. 
> > 
> >Thanks! 
> > 
> >-Firsttimer on the PCT 
> You're making a classic first-timer's mistake, and practically 
> guaranteeing that your hike will fail (assuming you're thru-hiking, 
> which you didn't specifically say). It takes 25-30 pounds per 
> person to feed a 20-something male for two weeks without running 
> a deficit, and when you are on the trail day after day for weeks, 
> your food tastes change in ways that are very hard to predict. 
> If you try to organize everything ahead of time with such stringent 
> constraints, it's almost a sure bet that you'll end up with huge 
> quantities of food that you won't be able to choke down. 
> It seems like most experienced thru-hikers end up buying a 
> lot of their food along the way, but in any case, you'll have 
> a much better chance of the hike lasting for a while if you 
> give yourself some flexibility on your food options and give 
> yourself the chance to buy a significant amount of it in the 
> towns you pass through. 
> Best wishes, 
> -- bill 
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