[pct-l] Popeye's Hiking Song

Hiker97 at aol.com Hiker97 at aol.com
Wed May 9 22:30:54 CDT 2007

_jdrows at comcast.net_ (mailto:jdrows at comcast.net)  writes: ........  does  
Popeye (I mean Switchback) have a song incorporating hiking, spinach, finish  
Strange you should ask ........ I know a lot of hikers sing to themselves  on 
the trail.
"Ohhhhh, the backpacker's life for me."
"No trail is too long, no trail is  too steep."
"The backpacker's life for  me."
"My water is dirty, my clothes are  dirty."
"The backpacker's life for  me."
"I dream of Zero Days and gallons of  ice cream."
"The backpacker's life for  me."
"Trail town wenches and hot pizza  pie."
"The backpacker's life for  me."
"No spinach for me and yellow  pee."
"The backpacker's life for  me."
etc., etc., etc.
Yes, it goes on and on for hours, but  you get the idea.
Switchback the Peak  Bagger

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