[pct-l] "Before" pictures for all the thru-hikers about to become great friends. And "After" pictures for all those who became great friends.

arm chair armchairhiker at gmail.com
Tue May 1 22:58:34 CDT 2007

Also part 2 -


Havin' Fun,
- armchair.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: arm chair <armchairhiker at gmail.com>
Date: May 1, 2007 8:44 PM
Subject: "Before" pictures for all the thru-hikers about to become great
friends. And "After" pictures for all those who became great friends.
To: pct-l at mailman.backcountry.net

Hello All,

I wanted to provide "Before" pictures for all the thru-hikers about to
become great friends.

And "After" pictures for all those who became great friends.

So with Camera in hand I took close up pictures of most everyone at the 2007
Kickoff. Many are not focused and I tried to remove any pics of people
eating, sneezing or spitting.

My hope is to provide people who are about to become friends with pictures
of the start of their friendship. And to those that have already become
friends - another 'page' in their shared 'memory book'.


These pictures are all 10 megapixel, tho on the web they are resized smaller
for quicker viewing. If you want the original large size, let me know off
line and I will see what I can do.

Thanks to everyone for making the Kickoff so much fun.
(And thanks to doc for the prescription to treat my really bad case of
poison oak I had while there)

Havin' Fun,
- armchair

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