[pct-l] stoveless meals

Melissa Spencer melissaaspencer at hotmail.com
Fri Mar 30 22:51:54 CDT 2007

Somen noodles (or ramen), instant rice, and dried mashed potatoes 
reconstitute fine too. As do dried sauces like marinara and salsa. There are 
some great cold meals in Lipsmackin Backpackin(Sierra Szechwan Chicken--you 
could forego the chicken--is awesome and loaded with calories), but you have 
to have a food dehydrator for most of them.

Also, to rehydrate, you can buy a little 16oz screw-top powdered Gatorade 
container. Put the water in there with the food about 30-90 minutes before 
you want to eat (depeding on the food), and throw it back in your pack. 
That's a Scott Williamson trick.
That all being said, I only went about a week on the PCT without my stove. I 
couldn't do it. I just enjoyed warm meals, even in the desert...


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