[pct-l] PCT paving almost underway!

Craig Stanton craigstanton at mac.com
Tue Mar 27 22:09:04 CDT 2007

Will there be a cycle lane?

On Wednesday, March 28, 2007, at 03:01PM, "Jon Danniken" <danniken at comcast.net> wrote:
>As many of you know, a number of us have recently received the go-ahead from 
>the feds to pave the PCT.  This will be done to reduce injury (for safety), 
>increase the number of people on the trail (for safety), and to ensure that 
>emergency personel have quick access to the trail (for safety).  The trail 
>will be paved wide enough to allow for full-sized vehicles to patrol the 
>trail to ensure compliance (for safety).
>As a bonus, since there will be gas stations every 50 miles, this also means 
>a water cache in each of these locations, so FREE WATER!!!
>Anywho, all we need now is funding for the project, so if any of you work 
>for big companies (like Leki, Budweiser, or North Face Fashion), please 
>alert your supervisors to the potential ad revenue from a "contribution" to 
>this project, and that their "contribution" will result in preferred 
>placement at the billboard signs which will be located every three miles on 
>the "trail".
>With your help, we can revitalize the PCT as a commercial-positive venture, 
>ensuring even more money for those companies who affiliate themselves with 
>the trail.
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