[pct-l] Packing a Bear Canister

Shauna csxii at schizoaffective.org
Tue Mar 27 13:39:26 CDT 2007

On Fri, 23 Mar 2007 16:30:35 -0700 (PDT), Tom Reynolds
<tomreynolds_ilan at yahoo.com> had this to say:

>For 18 pounds, one trick is using foods that require extensive boiling water time. For example, standard rice requires 20 min of boiling while miniute rice requires 2 min and reconstituted mashed potatoes requires only hot water. However, calorie for calorie, standard rice takes up lots less room in the canister

Hi Tom, 

Rice only has to simmer for 20 minutes after it is first brought to a boil
it  does not have to boil for a full 20 minutes.  So your bear can packing
plan will work with an alcohol stove.

I've been cooking regular rice by using a can pot with a YACC (alcohol)
stove for the first ten minutes and then using an Ion stove (alcohol)  with
a very small center hole for the next 5-10 minutes. Results have been
excellent. Regular rice is also cheaper then minute rice and is probably
better for you.

It is taking 2.5 tablespoons of fuel to cook enough rice to fill a Heineken
can pot.

This might be too fiddley to mess with while on a through  hike but it's
fun to experiment with in the kitchen.  I'll test it out this summer if I
get to go backpacking.


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