[pct-l] #rd Gate Cache... Suggestion

Gary Wright gwtmp01 at mac.com
Mon Mar 26 17:37:17 CDT 2007

On Mar 26, 2007, at 7:22 PM, Pea Hicks wrote:
> i'm a bit confused here, stillroaming. on the one hand you claim to be
> terribly terribly concerned that hikers do not attempt to enter the
> snowy sierra too early, presumably out of concern for their safety...
> yet you seem to have no concern at all for the safety of hikers in the
> dry stretches of desert? don't forget, these caches are there for  
> PURPOSES ONLY, and they are heavily advertised as such.

That is not how they are used in practice.  Considering 3rd Gate cache
itself--is it really necessary for there to be 50 gallons of water
(the size reported on 3/19/07) there for *safety* only?  How many
hikers are arriving at this cache with no water because something
*unexpected* has occurred such as a leak in their water containers
or an injury that has delayed arrival or the need to provide water
to an injured and immobile hiker?

I'm not suggesting that the caches be abolished or trying to make
some ethical judgement on hikers who choose to use caches.  I'm simply
making the observation that these caches are *not* used for safety
purposes only irrespective of the intent of the cache providers.

Gary Wright (Radar)

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