[pct-l] Odor Protection Sacks?

Len Glassner len5742 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 20 20:09:46 CDT 2007

What if one focused on keeping the bears from ever smelling your
smellables, rather than protecting them from an onslaught of claws and

This from the BackpackingLight website:
Are O.P. Saks Really Odor-Proof?
Well, yes, quite so. We slathered a bunch of honey, peanut butter, and
olive oil in one and left it out for four days in the corner of a
forest service cabin while we were out tramping around on a hike. We
knew the cabin to be infested with both mice and pack rats, and when
we came back, the O.P. Sak was intact with no sign whatsoever of
animal intrusion, despite the fact that there were fresh droppings and
sawdust scattered throughout the cabin.

Ursack liners are actually O.P. Saks. And, we've been using O.P. Saks
for food storage while backpacking in both grizzly and black bear
country in Glacier NP, Yellowstone NP, the Bob Marshall Wilderness,
Tetons, Wind Rivers, and Uintas. Below the treeline, we simply add a
mesh sack with a drawcord and hang our food with AirCore Plus. Above
the treeline, we store the O.P. Sak under a pile of rocks, or
sometimes, just sleep with it next to our shelter. Even in the most
rodent and bear infested areas, we've not had a single curious critter
attempt to get into the O.P. Sak.

I used an Ursack for two weeks on the JMT, with an O. P. Sack.  The
top edge of the O.P. looked like it got slightly nibbled on (must have
been a very, very small animal to have gotten through the small
opening in the tightened-up Ursack), perhaps triggered by residual
food from my fingers that handled the contents. So double-sacking
maybe?  Other than that, no animal issues.

The thing that bugs me about the O.P. sacks is that they don't seem
seal very securely. You can pull the ziplock  apart really easily.

It would be interesting to know if the Ursacks that failed were used
in conjunction with O.P. sacks.  I could ask Ursack but that would be
too easy.

The O.P. sacks are cheap, relative to cans,  and weigh nothing
relative to cans.  If an option like this were offered, instead of
having to carry a food Fort Knox on your back, maybe compliance would
be higher and bears safer.


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