[pct-l] Literary references to PCT locales

Robert Albach ralbach at austin.rr.com
Sat Mar 17 18:53:40 CDT 2007

I was wondering about specific points on the PCT (aside from the obvious 
famous ones) that one might find in literature. I happened to have 
finished "Blood Meridian" by Cormac McCarthy which mentions a spot on 
the PCT. <bonus points to the first to guess which>. McCarthy is most 
popularly known as the author of "All the Pretty Horses" (a journey I've 
replicated with significantly less trouble).

Anyhow if you can stand the casual description of a gory episode in 
western history they are great reads. He also has significantly more 
than an average amount of descriptions about walking long distances in 
inhospitable deserts.

Double bonus points for the naming his novel that mentions locations on 
yet another wilderness trail.

-Robert from Texas

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