[pct-l] Friends and Hiking Friends

Hiker97 at aol.com Hiker97 at aol.com
Fri Mar 16 12:52:12 CDT 2007

What are the  differences between your normal friends and your hiking friends?
Friends never ask for  food.
Hiking friends always bring  food.
Friends will say,  "Hello."
Hiking friends will give you a hug  and smile.
Friends call your  parents Mr. and Mrs.
Hiking friends call  your parents mom and dad.
Friends may never  have seen you cry.
Hiking friends cry with  you.
Friends will eat at  your dinner table & leave.
Hiking friends will  spend hours there, talking, laughing, & just being  
Friends will know a  few things about you.
Hiking  friends could write a book about you with direct quotes.
Friends  might leave you behind if the group moves on.
Hiking friends will  make sure you are in front, so you don't get left behind.
Friends would knock on your door.
Hiking  friends might walk right in & say, "I'm Home".
Friends are for  a while.
Hiking  friends are for life.
Your pal,  Switchback

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