[pct-l] The Herd

Paul Magnanti pmags at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 14 13:28:21 CDT 2007

Nope..did not mean you per se', meant in general. 

You answered my question..but I am not the one that has to be answered. :)

----- Original Message ----
From: "dsaufley at sprynet.com" <dsaufley at sprynet.com>
To: Paul Magnanti <pmags at yahoo.com>; PCT MailingList <pct-l at backcountry.net>
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 12:08:54 PM
Subject: Re: [pct-l] The Herd

Mags wrote:  

"for those who are most adamant about moving the location and the date, have you thought of
organizing it yourself/helping out withe current organizers?"

I guess you would mean me -- since I'm the one who brought this idea up and seem to be the one dragging it around again.  The answer is "YES!!!" I would help if the KO was moved to later in the season and further up the trail.  I'd be there with bells on, doing all I could to support the event.  And, so's ya know, before the KO magnified herd became a factor, I WAS an ADZ organizing committee member and regular attendee of the KO.

I hope this answers your question.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Paul Magnanti <pmags at yahoo.com>
>Sent: Mar 13, 2007 9:43 PM
>To: PCT MailingList <pct-l at backcountry.net>
>Subject: [pct-l] The Herd
>A few observations....(longish):
>1) This topic comes up every year now.  Add this to Oil Can's great Carlinesque things that should not be talked about on the PCT-L:
>>>"So can my dog carry my bear can while I ride my mountain bike along the
>>>PCT? That way I'd have room to pack my gun to protect myself from the
>>>illegal immigrants (or minute men)!"
>I'll add cell phones and the KOP to this list. :)
>2) >>"If there were more distance trails...SNIP... but unfortunately, there are a 
>>>limited number of them in this country (three, to be exact)."
>Ken and Marcia would adamantly disagree. ;-)
>Besides the ADT,  I can think of the Florida Trail, The North Country Trail,
>the Pacific Nortwest Trail, The Great Eastern Trail, etc. These are all 1000+ mile trails.
>The ADT and the NCT are almost 4000 miles! 
>There are others of varying lengths. http://www.aldhawest.org/trails/ot_def.asp
>The "Big Three" have much beauty, grandeur and moments of the sublime. But they get all the attention.
>There are other trails (and routes) that have much beauty, grandeur and moments of the sublime as well.
>The desert southwest is calling strongly to me, for example.
>So many mile to hike, so many places to see, so many mountains to climb and canyons to explore.
>Alas, I only have one life to live.
>3)>> then perhaps the impact of the 
>>>socialites on the trail would be lessened,
>Well, now that is an interesting observation. As with the poster, I too am a mainly solo LD hiker.
>But who am I to say that our way is the best way to hike? Maybe the "socialite hikers" are ruining
>the trail? But keep in mind we are talking about 300 hikers total out of how many who use the trail?
>I can't see that big of an impact on the trail itself overall. (Impacting on off-trail resources is 
>another ball of wax, though)
>Truth be told, I love the KOP as an alumni. If I did it again, I'd probably start later and skip the KOP
>for ***ME***.  I don't enjoy hiking in a crowd. Some prefer the social interaction.
>I am not arrogant enough to say that my way is the best to hike a trail. I won't whip out that
>nugget about hiking we like to use...but there is truth to it. There is NONE, NO, ZIP, NADA, NIENTE
>need to insult other hikers when expressing opinions. I'll save everyone the trouble who feels the need
>to do so by summing it all up: YOUR OPINION SUCKS! MY WAY IS BETTER! :)  
>It is possible to disagree without being disagreeable.
>4)  >>but please leave the wilderness to those of use 
>    >>who need and cherish it for what it is,What is it? I need it...but again, is my definition more valid than Joe Thru-hiker? My mom's? Yours? 
>5) Thru-wallet? Gave me a chuckle..but over the top. Thru-hikers don't pay a cent. The pay pal option is for people who donate.
>And the vendors? I see people who are part of the community, not K2 Sports. To be honest, most of the purchasing is done by
>non-thru hikers.   I sincerely doubt the KOP is exactly a money maker for venture capitalists. :) Let's not use hyperbole here.
>6) The KOP people rock. Despite some more cynical views, they are doing it to give back to the community they love.
>You may disagree if the KOP is a good thing (which is perferectly fine)..but please, let's not give Greg, Bob, Carl et al ulterior motives. 
>They have big hearts..and big smiles all weekend to match.
>7) Having said all the above..a  Trail Days-like event (meaning further up the trail ad and at a later date) may not be a bad idea. But, (THIS IS A BIG BUT), for those who are most adamant about moving the location and the date, have you thought of organizing it yourself/helping out withe current organizers?
>I belong to an outdoor group. Sometimes people kvetch there is a not a easier/harder/longer/shorter trips. I say "Have you thought of organizing one?!?!?".  They shut up, sip their lattes on Pearl St and continue to kvetch. :)
>7) Impact on town services: No denying that. I think it would be the same overall. But the KOP does funnel a bulk of people at once.
>I know more hikers now, though, are starting early and hitching back, going to the KOP and starting later, etc.  Perhaps
>this impact "all-at-once" will be lessened. I honestly don't know. 
> What will NOT lessen are the amount of hikers on the trails. KOP or no KOP.
>8) Finally: The Internet is not the trail. Thank (insert deity(ies) of your choice here)!!
>No matter how you decide to start the PCT, enjoy every step.  It is a wonderful journey....that is over much too soon. 
>Ignore these squabbles.
>Only former thru-hikers who miss the trails terribly bother to write 8 point essays that ramble on anyway. :)
>The true harvest of my life is intangible.... a little stardust 
>caught, a portion of the rainbow I have clutched
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