[pct-l] The Herd is a FACT...

stillroaming pct at delnorteresort.com
Mon Mar 12 23:20:26 CDT 2007

If you have any doubts about the existence of 'the herd' go stand outside 
the P.O. in Warner Springs on day 5,6,7 after the KO....and count. Around 60 
hikers on the busiest day should be the peak.

The results is indisputable and commentary to the contrary is flat wrong. 
And, it'll just get worse to the delight of the organizers.

In my opinion, Lake Morena is the perfect spot for the KO. Thru-wallets have 
only been on the trail a day or two, they're wildly enthusiastic and you get 
access to the ones who haven't dropped yet. Ka'ching! How many thru-wallets 
would you have access to in Kennedy Meadows? C'mon, get real! Lake Morena is 

Further reading:
Avoid the ADZPCTKO:

The Story of a Thru-Wallet (The ADZPCTKO accepts payment by Paypal and Visa 
for this FREE event)

L-Rod's unsolicted cheerleader on avoiding the "Artificial Day Zero PCT Kick 
Scott "Stillroaming" Parks

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