[pct-l] Words about the HERD -- was additional items for hiking list

dsaufley at sprynet.com dsaufley at sprynet.com
Mon Mar 12 14:56:58 CDT 2007

Dear Pygmy,

I can assure you that the HERD is NOT exaggerated.  It was WORSE THAN EVER last year, which was a big snow year.  Please don't think that because you didn't experience it that it doesn't exist.  FYI, the herd dissapates when it hits the Sierras.

In protest, boycotting, and otherwise trying to educate y'all that too many people all at once has and will continue to have a negative impact on the trail, trail towns, and ultimately on the services the thru hikers depend upon.  


p.s. I've never been against the ADZ party & hiker reunion per se, I'm against it being a starting event that bunches too many starters on and around a specific weekend. I think it should be later in the season and further up the trail (say, Lone Pine in June or Tahoe in July).  

-----Original Message-----
>From: Trail Pygmy <trailpygmy at hotmail.com>
>Sent: Mar 12, 2007 11:26 AM
>To: pct-l at mailman.backcountry.net
>Subject: [pct-l] additional items for hiking list
>plastic bags various sizes both zip lock and envelope style... trash bags various sizesaloha, Pygmyps- I'm going once again to the '07ADZ "gear convention"... i mean hot air gathering... i mean REALLY COOL GET TOGETHER. lol Doing the Campo to Morena group hike then sectioning Mt. Laguna to Warner Springs... then I'll be waiting for the snow to melt before finishing my "thru-hike" that I started in '05... I'll be getting back on at Tahoe North Bound... any guesses on when??? No I will not be sporting any crampons or ice axe. Look forward to meeting the '07 PCTers... last year I hiked all alone... not much fun. I think the "herd" concept is greatly exagerated... no "clicks" is another story... lol HIKE ON!!!
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