[pct-l] Backpacking meals

Brian Forestell briandid at telusplanet.net
Thu Mar 8 19:10:42 CST 2007

I thought I would wade in and give my humble opinion about what food to send to yourself on the trail. My first piece of advice is don't. (Except for a very few exceptions like Kennedy Meadows) On the trail we usually resupply with whatever food we can find at trail town or resorts. Sometimes the pickins are slim (Stehekin can be pretty bad at the end of summer...and VVR crazy expensive) Sometimes we have lived a couple days on just chocolate bars. However, if I was resupplying with food I shipped to myself I would send my own dehydrated food before I sent commercial food or freeze dried food. When you dry your own food you can control what is in the food you are eating. My three favorite are: lasagna, cabbage rolls (I am not kidding you just slice the cabbage rolls into rings and dry them) and chili. The trail versions are almost as good as the made at home tonight versions. Man oh man oh man, once you've tasted home dehydrated lasagna or cabbage rolls you aren't going to want to taste Mountain House Teriyaki Chicken ever again..... I appreciate that it is a lot of work to dry your own food but I would sure encourage everyone to try it. A food dehydrator at Walmart is about 50 bucks and the food is fantastic. Dry it, you will like it 
Happy Trails 


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