[pct-l] WAS: device advice NOW: The Devices We Carry

arm chair armchairhiker at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 00:30:12 CST 2007

>  I need to find someone who can splice an adapter and
> shorten cords...

Hi Mike,

I showed the Solio at last year's KO. Since then I have found the
IGO.comcar/wall adaptors to work with the Solio's female car adaptor.
The IGO cable
has a male car adapter at one end of the cable and at the other end it has
replaceable tips. The changable tips allow you to configure the connector
type, voltage and amps to each of your devices. I can plug my bluetooth GPS
into the solio and never run out of charge. When I want a GPS location I can
power up my PDA and connect by bluetooth to the GPS receiver, get my
location and then power off the PDA. The PDA is also a cell phone and I can
charge it with the Solio too. The PDA also has a slideout keyboard and can
be used like PocketMail. It's a PPC 6700. Several cell companies sell it,
Sprint & Version etc.

Power on,
- armchair

PS We are all hitech, silnylon instead of canvas for example. I think you
should take what makes you happy on the trail.

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