[pct-l] Fwd: Why not put a GPS Collar on mountain lions?

Bob Bankhead wandering_bob at comcast.net
Sun Jan 28 19:23:43 CST 2007

Hey, maybe we could use the GPS coordinates of the lion(s) to call in an accurate air strike. Turn the tables on the furry little kitty. A juicy lion steak would be a welcome addition to most hikers' diets. (Try THAT over an ultralight stove.........).

Caveat: If lion is within 200 meters of your location, move to safer location before calling for airstrike.

Wandering Bob
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: The Mountain Goat 
  To: pctl ptl 
  Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2007 5:01 PM
  Subject: [pct-l] Fwd: Why not put a GPS Collar on mountain lions?

  Apparently they are now tracking the Mountain Lions with GPS collars. What we need to do now, is find a way to update our GPS on the PCT with the coordinates of the Cats and it will show up on the GPS screen. We would know when the Cat was in the area, and make it a point to go up and introduct ourselfs, and be friendly. Opps, I mean to avoid them, when we know we are in the area...

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