[pct-l] New Socks and Birthday

Hiker97 at aol.com Hiker97 at aol.com
Thu Jan 25 23:56:11 CST 2007

_edfaubert at yahoo.com_ (mailto:edfaubert at yahoo.com)  writes:

Hey I'm a tightly whitey cotton sock boy Have a great birthday too.  I will 
be here til 8am on sat. then i'm  off..................

_montypct at gmail.com_ (mailto:montypct at gmail.com)  writes:

Switchback  the Birthday Boy.  Is it your birthday today?
Say, this is very cool.  Someone might actually  show up at Jack's this 
Saturday for an 8 AM breakfast in Bishop.  My 60th  birthday is not until 
Wednesday, but I wanted to celebrate it over by the  Sierras.  Any excuse I can get to 
be over there, is good enough for  me.  I will be in PCT country too.  
We will arrive in Lone Pine this Friday around noon and  stay at the Dow 
Villas Motel.  I like staying in the old section, but with  a private bath.  We 
will eat at the MerryGoRound Friday evening after my  brother/sister in-law 
arrive from SoCal.  Then up to Bishop early Saturday  morning.  We stay at the 
Creekside Inn there. People are already  complaining, "Why do we have to get up 
so early to go to Bishop?"  Why  can't we just eat at Lone Pine?"

The  answer: "Because hard core backpackers are on the trail before 6 AM  
everyday.  That's why."  It is only an hour up to Bishop, so cry me a  river.  By 
trail it is days.  See these two fingers next to my  ear?  They are playing 
the world's smallest violin for you.  Oh, boo  hoo.  Give me a break.
I can see me going up to Bishop alone and the rest following at  their 
leisure around noon.  What a world.  I could have ended up  eating alone up there at 
8 AM.  Nice.  Real nice.  But come to  think of it, that is how it is out on 
the trail.  We are alone a lot of the  time campaigning down the trail.  And 
that is not too bad at all.  So,  I should stop complaining.  The fact that you 
are there is reward enough in  itself.
Switchback the Early  Bird

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