[pct-l] Did anybody notice PCT-L turned 10?
Roger Carpenter
rogercarpenter at comcast.net
Sun Jan 14 19:50:13 CST 2007
Thank you Brick and Ryan for all the work you have done for the distance
hiking community! In 1996, the year the PCT-L started, I thru-hiked the PCT
and recall that the internet was used to a much lesser extent as a planning
tool than it is now. AOL had trail forums that were similar to the PCT-L
but not universally used by all PCT hikers. In those days I found the
ALDHA-West gathering and Gazette, and the PCTA the best way to get
information, meet other prospective and past hikers. I don't think the
internet will ever exceed the value we get from those organizations, the
gatherings, the kickoff and other face to face communication. But the speed
which we can obtain a broad range of advice, information and resources
probably has made it easier for most PCT hikers to plan and complete their
journeys successfully. Perhaps there are some young hikers in their early
20's who take the internet for granted. Us old-timers have seen the
More technical changes since 1996:
PC-based photo presentations have replaced slide projectors.
Digital photography, including small video cameras, have replaced film
Tiny LED flashlights have replaced heavier bulb flashlights.
Sil-nylon has replaced 1.7 oz ripstop.
Alloys such as titanium are cheap enough for all of us to reduce pack
Other changes:
More hikers from outside the U.S., possibly due to the internet.
More trail angels.
More thru-hikers.
PCT Handbook.
Data book.
Good things that happily are still around since 1996:
The PCT is still 2,650 miles and a national treasure.
Meadow Ed and KM
Trail volunteers who keep the trail open.
Wilderness Press guidebooks.
Mounument 78
Pancake challenge!
ALDHA-West gatherings and the Gazette.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: pct-l-bounces at backcountry.net
> [mailto:pct-l-bounces at backcountry.net]On Behalf Of Brick Robbins
> Sent: Sunday, January 14, 2007 10:06 AM
> To: PCT-L
> Subject: [pct-l] Did anybody notice PCT-L turned 10?
> Last month, PCT-L turned 10 years old. Did anybody notice?
> In 1996, the year after my PCT hike, I created the first website for
> the PCTA, back before hardly anyone knew what the Internet was.
> Back them, when way more folks had email than web browsers, Internet
> mailing lists were "the way to go." I wound up on AT-L and started
> looking for a service to host a similar list for the PCT. Ryan
> volunteered his system at hack.net and PCT-L was born.
> Before PCT-L, you ordered your guidebooks, and mailed Wilderness Press
> for the printed updates. You read Ryback's book and maybe Cindy Ross'
> as well. You talked to some friends who had done the PCT if you were
> lucky enough to have any, or the sales people at REI, but you were
> pretty much on your own as far as planning and resources went. It was
> very hard to tap into the experience of those who had gone before
> Here we are 10 years later. Only a few things have really changed.
> Bear Cans were created, Cell Phones became common, and Ultralight
> became mainstream. Not much else has really changed as far as the hike
> itself goes. Walkmen turned into iPods, we still argue over guns and
> dogs, and about who's vision of the trail is more "right."
> The big difference is the easy exchange of information, much of which
> is done on this list. ADZPCTKOP itself, and many long-tail products
> like Yogi & Ben's books and the whole ultralight gear industry owe
> their viability to this list, and other's like it.
> As the list administrator, I have to do some "policing" from time to
> time, and I know that Ive pissed off people - some think I do to much,
> and some think I do too little, and some think the policing is
> personally attacking them. I've made my mistakes as Admin and I hope
> I've learned from them.
> I'd like to thank Ryan for providing the hardware and software to host
> the little party we've had here for the past 10 years, and I hope we
> can keep it up for the next 10 just as well.
> It has been a pleasure being of service to you all. Most of you don't
> notice me, but I'm here, reading every post, sorting through the spam,
> and trying to keep everyone playing well together.
> Hike your own hike.
> --
> Brick Robbins
> brick at fastpack.com
> http://www.flamewarriors.com/warriorshtm/admin.htm
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