[pct-l] Snow gear for lightweight backpacking?

Jeffrey Wilzbacher jeffwilzbacher at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 10 18:08:25 CST 2007

I have seen that many hikers bring crampons and ice axes on the PCT. I've seen pictures of the snow fields, but still don't have a clear concept of what snow/ice conditions are likely or potentially to be encountered on the trail. Would you consider these (axes, crampons) required equipment or more for added safety/security? Any thoughts on this, stories from those who are more familiar with the trail would be greatly appreciated.
  Also, I'm planning to wear tennis shoes most of the way / all the way. I'm curious as to how other tennis shoe wearers dealt with snowy conditions.
  Thanks for all of your posts.
  Jeff Wilzbacher
  Message: 6
Date: Tue,  9 Jan 2007 10:57:34 -0800
From: "William Skaggs" <weskaggs at primate.ucdavis.edu>
Subject: [pct-l] trail conditions
To: <pct-l at backcountry.net>
Message-ID: <200701091057.AA336068988 at primate.ucdavis.edu>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

An early overview of snow conditions, for anyone who might be 

Snow levels in the high Sierra are at about 50% of normal for this time
of year, and the next couple of weeks are looking dryish.  With a mild
El Nino and the storm track currently shifted northward, the chances 
pretty high that levels will still be low by April 1, when maximum snow
depth typically comes.  (The bulk of snowfall is usually in Jan-March.)
The caveat, of course, is that 2-3 strong storm systems could make a
big difference.  Even so, things are unlikely to be anything like the
last couple of years (150% of normal last year, over 200% the year 

Southern California is also below normal.  Northern California is 
close to normal.  The North Cascades, as I understand it, are way above
normal.  So, it looks tentatively like a good year for getting an early 
start going northbound, and a bad year for going southbound.

  -- Bill

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