[pct-l] keeping warm

JoAnn M. Michael jomike at cot.net
Wed Jan 10 17:38:56 CST 2007

I guess I didn't word it right. I sleep warm; wake warm and put on warm clothes and am warm once out of the tent. I too sleep with the clothes I'll put on the next a.m.

I don't need the clothes in the morning to warm up in that I slept cold, just that as a part of getting dressed, I put on what needed to keep warm.

Anyway, still curious as to why others have to sleep with their clothes on...unless we're talking the teens or lower.

are we there yet
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: bluebrain at bluebrain.ca 
  To: JoAnn M. Michael 
  Cc: pct-l at mailman.backcountry.net 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 2:26 PM
  Subject: Re: [pct-l] keeping warm

  The problem with trying to warm up in the morning with extra clothes is
  that anything that isnt in your bag with you overnight is going to be cold
  to put on.  Even if I wasn't wearing all my clothes, I kept them in the
  bag with me so they'd be warmer than if they spent the night out.

  Only way I ever found to get warm in the morning was to keep moving! 
  Having a proper tent that actually traps in some warmth made a big
  difference in the sierras.

  Thinking back, freezing mornings was possibly my least fav part of the hike.


  > I have not been able to read all the posts of late but am wondering how a
  > person deals with the cold of the morning having slept in all their
  > clothes?
  > Granted, the coldest weather I've ever backpacked in was this past October
  > in section n. I do not know what the temp was at bed time but in the a.m.
  > on that trip it was 32 degrees. If I'd worn all my clothes to bed, I'd
  > have nothing to "warm up" with once out of my bag.
  > My bag is rated to 30 degrees and I always sleep in a base layer, only. I
  > then, in the a.m., leave that on and dress in the med., and if needed,
  > outer layer. It "warms me up" nicely. As the morning goes on I shed the
  > outer layer and usually hike happily in cool/cold weather.
  > Why is it more people end up sleeping in all their clothes and/or so cold?
  > Lower degree bag? Going to bed cold, i.e. maybe not enough warm clothes
  > during the day? The difference between light weight vs. medium light
  > weight? For whatever it's worth I am probably average when it comes to
  > becoming chilled.
  > Just curious.
  > are we there yet
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