[pct-l] New Gear Weight Scale

enyapjr at comcast.net enyapjr at comcast.net
Sat Jan 6 22:15:08 CST 2007

from Track Wolf:
>ahem...uh..actually it's 28.3495231 grams per ounce, please adjust your scale.

MY scale doesn't do grams, only ounces - it's just that 28.35 grams per ounce was pounded into my
brain many years ago, just as 3.14 was for pi (for 'rough' calculations) instead of 3.1416 or
3.1415926535897932384626433832795(and on and on...).................................................

It also depends on your source...  28.349523125 grams per ounce is even more accurate!...  
But let's use your number...
The difference between 28.35 grams and 28.3495231 grams is 0.0004769 grams - which converts to
0.000016822 ounces (or 'roughly' 17 millionths of an ounce)... 
Using the even more accurate number (28.349523125)...
The difference between 28.35 and 28.349523125 is 0.000476875 grams - or 0.000016821 ounces,
for a whopping difference of 0.000000001 ounce (a billionth of an ounce!) using the much more accurate number...

Now if we want to confuse things further - what about Troy ounces?   1 troy ounce = 31.1034768 grams...
But only 12 troy ounces = 1 troy pound (which equals 373.2417216 grams)...  
Using your 28.3495231 grams per 'avoirdupois' ounce, 1 'avoirdupois' pound is 453.5923696 grams...
That would mean, even though we may consider our gear as "precious", using Troy pounds would
boost our poundage by a factor of 1.215277777 times!!...  So, "precious" gear or not, we should stick to the 'avoirdupois' pound...

I'm not one of 'those' ultra gram weenies - just a lowly ounce weenie...

You'll have to excuse me now - I have to make an emergency weekend appointment for special 'help'...    :-o

Happy, crazy, confusing trails!!!     ;-)

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