[pct-l] Yogi, the play-dumb, smart-as-a fox, Lt.

Georgi Heitman bobbnweav at citlink.net
Sun Feb 11 13:56:52 CST 2007

Monty, Hi, it's been a while...
Re the wife....did you notice that neither guy made any comment to the wife in question?  I'm betting she thinks that was a bad mistake...first, she'll tell that stinky guy to get out of her house, there's a garden hose outside that he can use to wash just about everything that smells bad, and there's no way in H...he's going to sleep in her bed!.....

Unless, of course, the poor dear's unhappy at home...her hubby is doing on-line porn and she's being ignored.  He's fat, sloppy and happy that way.  Perhaps she's able to see below that grubby exterior and see a buff, good-looker, who obviously doesn't give a hoot about computers and all the kinky stuff that can be found on them....what's more, he's hot and raring to go!  And I don't mean to the movies....

And......in Old Station, Shasta County, CA, at 4554 feet in elevation......it's snowing!!!!!!!!!
Just think what's doing at, say 11,000 feet!!  Hallelujah!!!
Georgi, the In-The-Meadow-We-Can-Build-a-Snowman, Trail Angel

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