[pct-l] Dana design packs

JoAnn M. Michael jomike at cot.net
Wed Feb 7 13:36:57 CST 2007

 have three 
Dana packs. A Shadow Peak day pack that weighs more than the P2, a 
Terraplane that's retired with honors, and a Bridger that I've used on 
weekend trips, which also weighs much more than the P2 
I have the Dana Glacier (5#'s 12 ozs.). I was so squeaky clean, new to backpacking (1998) I actually had my nephew and the store clerk chose it for me! I will have a fondness for it forever. Kind of like your first car or even first boy (girl) friend   :)

But, it did not break my heart to put in it the back of my gear closet, replaced by a Kelty Shadow in 2005 at 3#'s 10 ozs. I know thru-hikers and guys like my Buddy Deems :)  use even lighter weight packs; I was delighted to lose 2#'s 2 ozs. Will I ever go lighter?? Who knows; one thing for certain at my 59 years of age I've learned "never say never".

Just wanted to share my progression (?) in weight loss. Now, if I could only drop the equivalent in body weight as I have my backpacking gear............

Have a good one everyone and pray for rain/snow...too dry in this part of the woods.

are we there yet

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