[pct-l] RE do the right thing?

Adam Bradley tooloouk79852 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 19 16:43:50 CDT 2006

No I find the smell of cat piss pretty bad.  But folks
sleeping in a shelter they aren't supposed to is
pretty funny.  especially coming from the folks who
make out like they follow all the rules.  I understand
that human waste is why they don't want people
sleeping in muir hut.  I am happy wether I am a troll
or not that I did my part to respect the delicate
alpine environment at muir pass and mosied on down
below the golden staircase.  what about planning not
to be up on the pass at night so one doesn't need a
emergency bivouac at muir hut which was designed to be
a shelter from lightning storms not a shelter for
overnight campers... 

however I can't hold you to a standard I would not
hold myself to so definitely HYOH, yet why not let

Listo Del Norte
troll or not having a blast on the PCT L remotely from

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