[pct-l] OT: clarification

enyapjr at adelphia.net enyapjr at adelphia.net
Wed Oct 18 00:47:45 CDT 2006

Grammar Coach said:

"Why will you be serving the pancakes "up"?"
"Why not serve the pancakes down,..."

Be careful what you are asking...
Serving you pancakes "down" at the Kickoff may mean they wind 'up' "down" in the dirt!   ;-)

Where I'm living now, if I wasn't working graveyard shift, it would be time to "out the lights" (or "off the lights") and "get to bed"...
Perhaps "serve up" is regionally 'acceptable'/understood to many people...  I've certainly heard it many times, along with using "up" after 'cook' or 'cooks' - "She certainly cooks up a great meal."

Is it grammatically correct?  No.  But for an email 'list serv' - who really cares (besides you, of course)?

IMHO, your moniker should really be "Grammar Coach TROLL"...

Happy trails!!!

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