[pct-l] RE One time

Adam Bradley tooloouk79852 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 17 17:55:13 CDT 2006

Now this is Sly's review:

I think Wingfoot's is the original Book of Lies.  It's
practically impossible to have the latest trail and
town in a printed book.  The AT changes yearly with
relos and businesses also change.  You'd be better off
with the ALDHA Companion.  For planning purposes, you
can view it online...

However this comes so recommended from folks I know
well and I don't know you sly so what makes me listen
to you?  Have you hiked the C2P or the NPT in black
fly season?

Again from sly:

What gets me is long distance hikers that apparently
need their hand held with every step.  You can't get a
primerib dinner in Skykomish?  Eat an omelet or two
and be happy the restaurant hasn't closed.  Took a
wrong turn because the guidebook was wrong or misread?
 Retrace your steps and be greatly thankful for your
time out there.

I am always thankful to be out on the trail.  I had
wonderful trail angeling from my mom and her old man. 
White Pass, Snoq, and Stevens I got to go home. 
Skykomish?  Man the real feed is in Sultan at the
Sultan Bakery.  Slabs of meatloaf the size of a human
head (a big one like my dome).  Obviously some joint
with as much class as the Sultan Bakery didn't even
make the "guidebook", but no surprises there.  

Again Sly states:
If you plan on hiking the CDT, you can spend hours on
hours planning your resupply.  It really isn't rocket
science, but it is nice when someone takes the time to
put it all together in an easy to read format.  You
think the PCT guides/maps are outdated and had
inconsistencies?  CDT is a fly by the seat of your
pants trail.  You need to go with the flow, not
against people that are trying to help.

I guess you are assuming old Listo has no connections.
 But oh I do.  Gila to Silver City (listo has tramped
all around) many amigos.  Colorado many many amigos. 
I certainly wouldn't trust my hikes success to the
"guidebook" on the CDT after my experiences with the
shoddy customer service or info within the PCT
version.  Every one seems to think the "guidebook"
author is trying to help, however on the trail it
seemed that all the thru hikers felt otherwise.  I can
honestly say I never brought up the subject because I
could care less to waste my time or energy on it. 
However, without a doubt I heard nothing but
negativity about the "guidebook" and its's author.  It
is interesting how different the response is on the
PCT-L compared to the folks out using the "guidebook"
this season.  So this is just my experience with it
and why I wouldn't recommend it to other prospective

I used the wilderness press books which where awesome
(of course some funny spots, but hey the author is
bulletproof and soliciting PCT 2006 ers for info. 
"guidebook" author isn't interested in feedback from
this years users, again what I heard from folks that
attempted to contact the author regarding updates. 
not very "helpful".   I guess are experience can
obviously be different because we are different.)

See you out on the NPT sly

Listo Del Norte

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