[pct-l] Guidebook Suggestions

Sean Nordeen sean at lifesadventures.net
Mon Oct 16 23:12:50 CDT 2006

Actually, I have a suggestion or request.  Since I haven't bought any of the guide books yet, maybe it's already there (I'm waiting for all the updates for the 2007 season to be in).  I don't care if it's Yogi's book or the Wilderness Press books, but something that would be useful would be a list of public transportation available near the major trail heads (or at least the nearby towns).  I know about the YARTS between Mammouth and Yosemite and some of the eastern sierra counties run busses to the major towns (Bishop, Independence) all the way up to Reno.  But what about the other sections?  This sort of information would be useful in a centralized location to "section hikers" and to thru-hikers who need to get off the trail for awhile (or back to).  Not everyone is comfortable with taking 20+hitches to get 300 miles away.

-Sean (mabye to be named Miner)

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