[pct-l] PCT Photos online

Craig Stanton craigstanton at mac.com
Wed Oct 4 02:34:43 CDT 2006

Whoa, that's Switchback?
I can hardly see him under all that garb, so I'll still be un-warned  
of his sneaky pirating until he's up close

And is this the same Gimp that did the hike in '91 and met George  
Spearing (a.k.a. Dances With Marmots). I'm reading George's book now,  
nice to put a face to the name

And finally, what's the difference between blueberries and  
huckleberries? I've never seen a huckleberry up close, nor a  
blueberry on the plant. Blackberries though, mmmm mmmmm

On 4/10/2006, at 2:29 PM, Sevenon7th at yahoo.com wrote:

> Hello friends,
>   Well, it is the type of slow and tedious work best left for rainy  
> and cloudy days of autumn in Seattle. What am I talking about? It  
> is uploading and organizing photos into on-line galleries!
>   I have uploaded a whole slew of new PCT related photos for anyone  
> interested.
>   The link to the PCT related galleries is:
>   http://www.pbase.com/splashphoto/pacific_crest_trail
>   The most current gallery (uploaded today) is a collection of  
> photos from a section hike with Squatch in April of this year.  
> (I've been busy!!!)  The direct link to that gallery is:
>   http://www.pbase.com/splashphoto/chasing_squatch
>   I just thought there might be a few folks out there who would  
> enjoy seeing these.
>   Splash
> Terri Steele
> (206) 390-7384
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