[pct-l] On Topic/Off Topic
Tortoise73 at charter.net
Sun Oct 1 20:01:03 CDT 2006
I've enjoyed subscribing to the list for several years. Met a hiking
partner and somewhat kindred soul here.
Some people are upset by the friendly banter here; others are not.
Again, if you don't like a message or subject, use your delete button.
Same as if you were chatting with some others and the conversation
drifted to subjects that didn't interest you and so you drop out until a
subject comes up that interests you.
Some topics / threads get banned because the discussion turns heated on
a topic only tangently related to the PCT. The general discussion on
forest fires, forest fire fighting policies and practices, and such got
banned because it got to heated. OTOH, updates of fires along the PCT
and related trail conditions continue to be on topic.
We seem to be going into the period when most of this years hikers are
finished and next years hikers and hike plans are not yet posted. We are
in a doldrums between this years hikes and next years plans.
My 2 cents.
<> He who finishes last, wins! <>
I switched to Mac OSX rather than fight Windows
Using Mozilla Thunderbird http://www.mozilla.org/products/thunderbird/
Wayne Kraft wrote:
> I don't know if you've noticed it or not, but this venerable e-mail
> list appears to be terminally ill. Only bland posts relating to the
> PCT nuts and bolts (water here, none there; saw so-and-so in Section
> E yesterday; can you buy Heet at El Cajon? etc.) seem to pass
> muster. With this obvious exception, I've stopped posting to this
> list. Even though I've been monitoring it for 3 years, I can't tell
> what is acceptable and what isn't. Any humorous banter or
> controversial subject matter is subject to censure by the nattering
> nabobs of negativity. Recently the topic of forest fires was banned
> on this list. This is inconceivable to me. I can't imagine a topic
> more relevant and pressing to anyone who hikes the PCT. At the
> moment, I would say that the banter initiated by Reinhold and
> Switchback is about all that keeps this list alive. Data is useful,
> a chuckle is priceless.
> The email list format is just about deceased everywhere. I think
> only the glory of the PCT itself and the vast personal store of
> knowledge possessed by some of the subscribers has kept this email
> list alive so late in the game. The PCT, as a topic, could certainly
> support an internet discussion forum and a few rather lame attempts
> have been made to create such a resource in the past. The only one
> with a half-decent format was created by a person whose contributions
> to this list have been so incessantly negative that apparently no one
> has any desire to participate.
> What the PCT needs is something like this, but I haven't the
> technical expertise to create it:
> http://portlandhikers.com/default.aspx
> Wayne Kraft
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