[pct-l] O.d.Coyote??? Not quite...

Ginny & Jim Owen spiritbear2k at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 30 19:28:57 CST 2006

When I came back to pct-l after a couple days away, there was some question 
about whether I wanted to answer any of the responses or not.  But there are 
a couple things that need to be said.  So….

>A scientific theory is a mathematical model that describes and codifies the 
>observations we make.  A good theory will describe a large range of 
>phenomena on the basis of a few simple postulates and will make definite 
>predictions that can be tested.  If the >predictions agree with the 
>observations, the theory survives that test, though it can never be proved 
>to be correct.  On the other hand, if the observations disagree with the 
>predictions, one has to discard or modify the theory.  (At least that is 
>what is supposed to happen.  In practice, people often question the 
>accuracy of the observations and the reliability and moral character of 
>those making the observations.)
 >     From -  “The Universe in a Nutshell” by Stephen Hawking

While they may be in a different context, a couple of the responses to the 
O.d. Coyote thread fit that quote extremely well.  To put it more 
succinctly, some people should learn to NOT make unwarranted negative 
assumptions and to refrain from attacking what they don’t understand.

Ron wrote:
>Personally, I disagree that the Triple Crown Award has been in anyway 
>diluted in the last few years.

I wouldn’t expect you to agree – you have a vested interest in denial on 
this subject. But you’ve forgotten that the only constant in life is – 
change.  And if what you believe were true, then it would be the first 
“award” in human history to have that distinction.  Even the Medal of Honor 
and the Purple Heart have suffered that fate.

Just for clarification, there’s a process I call “wussification of the 
trails.”  It has consequences, one of which is a decline in the level of 
knowledge and competency required to hike the long trails.  There are others 
– but I’m not gonna get into a dissertation on the subject right now.  
Suffice to say that O.d.Coyote was largely right – and that I’ll be writing 
more about this subject.  .

Yeah, I know – you don’t like it.  But as O.d. once said:
>	The truth will set you free – but first it’ll piss you off.


>The award is presented simply to honor those who've hiked the three trails 
>AT, PCT and CDT. In order for the award to be
>diluted, one must assume that somehow personal motivation is a component of 
>the award. It's not!

Of course it is – it’s based on whatever motivation hikers use to get them 
to the end of the trail.  Without that motivation, you wouldn’t have anyone 
to give the award to, so you should have at least a passing interest in what 
makes those hikers tick.

I said that many, if not most, of those who have hiked the CDT in the last 5 
years ,as well as those who plan to hike next year, have announced the 
Triple Crown as their primary motivation.  That’s fact – not guesswork, 
opinion or argument.

It’s also what O.d.Coyote said – and it has ramifications that you don’t 
seem to have thought out.

>The reasons people hike are as varied as the individuals themselves.

Yeah – do you remember where you learned that?  Or do I need to remind you?

>And as with all things, motivations will evolve overtime. To say that some
>motivations are more pure than others, strikes me as somewhat elitist.

The first sentence is true – then you head off into “fantasyland.”

Only “you” have said anything about “purity” – I didn’t.  And you “should” 
know me well enough to know what a load of horsepucky that statement is - in 
any context.   OTOH – maybe you’ve forgotten who I am?  I wouldn’t exactly 
claim to be unforgettable.  Infamous, maybe – insane, certainly - but not 
unforgettable.  So maybe you need to go back and read (again) what I wrote 
about “purity” and HYOH  (yes – they ARE related and the subject is 
important enough that there are two separate and different pages on our 
website) -



I find it interesting that there’s a contingent of the hiker community who, 
when they don’t understand something, make automatic negative assumptions as 
to the author’s motivation and start yammering about “elitism”.  Frankly, if 
you’re looking for “elitism” consider this statement - “I want to be a 
Triple Crown”.  That is probably the most elitist statement you’ll find in 
the hiking community.  And when it’s said like this – “I’m going to get my 
Triple Crown,” then it’s not only elitist, but arrogant as well.

>It's all too similar to the endless AT Purest debates. I guess it's a
>natural human characteristic. Whenever an increasing number of people begin 
>accomplishing something we feel makes us unique, we attempt to preserve our 
>stature by finding ways to question the validity of their efforts.

In this context, that statement is so illogical it makes my teeth itch.  If 
I were to question the "validity" of anyone’s TC, then I would be 
questioning the validity of my own.   Why would I do that?

Ginny and I have had as much to do with getting hikers out on the CDT as 
anyone.  You should know that.  And we continue to work toward that end.  
That’s not consistent with the negative assumptions you’ve made.

>Considering all the forces aligned against hikers in an effort to open more 
>trails to multiple use, it's a shame we seem to need to find ways to 
>further divide ourselves.

That’s a subject of its own – and I’m sure we’ll get to it later.  But you 
need to learn that, as a community, we’re losing that war.  If we haven't 
already lost it entirely.

And one of the many reasons we’re losing is that there are too many people 
in the hiking community who consistently make the most negative assumptions 
about those with whom they disagree – generally without even considering 
whether the other person’s viewpoint has any merit.  And THAT, my friend, is 
far more divisive to the community than the most egregious elitist.  It’s 
also not very intelligent.

Walk softly,


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