[pct-l] who has custody of the Manning registers?

David Plotnikoff david at emeraldlake.com
Thu Nov 30 12:46:57 CST 2006

Hello from a longtime list lurker.

And, lest I forget, a big, hearty cheer to Scott Williamson on his 
great performance -- an ongoing inspiration to so many of us. Bravo. 
Running into Scott, even for just a few minutes, nobo in Cascade 
Locks was a high point for me this year. As was running into him sobo 
near Hyatt Lake in 04. I doubt any of the thousands of people he 
encountered on the trail will forget those meetings.

I hope the communal brain trust here can shed some light on a 
question that's been nagging at me since I signed in at Manning on 
9/4: Who has ultimate custody of the registers after the season is 
concluded? There's a plenitude of unique, important information 
contained therein -- a literal written record of our subculture. (To 
wit: Wouldn't it be interesting someday to go back and 
compare/contrast the statements recorded by Scott, Billy Goat, etc. 
in various years as their hiking careers progressed?) Anyone know 
where these things live in perpetuity?

Thanks for your consideration.

David Plotnikoff

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