[pct-l] O.D.Coyote- Diluted Triple Crown Award?

Slyatpct at aol.com Slyatpct at aol.com
Tue Nov 28 13:43:49 CST 2006

He  purposely skipped 5 feet of the CDT as a protest against the Triple 
Crown  award which, he claims, is for glory and publicity hounds not for 
who hike for the pure joy of hiking.
If you ask me that's pretty silly and not much of a protest.  Also,  since it 
concerns the CDT, skipping 5 feet is rather meaningless as some hike as  
little as 2400 miles while others closer to 2800 during the course of their  
"thru-hike"depending on the route they've decided to take.  
Hiking the Triple Crown oviously isn't like hiking either of the trails  
seperately or three times over, any of which can be considered a stunt.   For the 
most part they're new and different although lessons learned from  the 
previous are applied to the next.
Whether someone does it for glory, publicity or for their own well being,  
doesn't concern me as long as they follow good trail ethics.
As much as the plaque is a small token, it represents an aptly named  
crowning archivement and for some like myself that truly  love hiking, it's as 
meaningful as any degree hung from the wall in a  doctors or lawyers office.
There's an aurgument the TC is more meaningful as there's no financial  
reward at the end.
Diluted?  Perhaps, in some peoples minds...
PS As soon as I make "my wall" the plaque is the 1st thing I'll hang.   ; )  


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