[pct-l] ''Believer'' - Water Purification

stillroaming pct at delnorteresort.com
Thu Nov 2 17:49:37 CST 2006

As this topic as been "beaten to a pulp" on the list, I'll simply re-state 
what so many others have already noted.

It's probably not the water, it's more than likely personal hygiene. Given 
the mode of "I'm in a hurry" and uber-Ultralight methods of this hiker, 
maybe he did not carry sanitizer/soap due to weight nor did he find the time 
to wash, 'after'.

The lesson to be learned from this is as follows:.............The water may
look good but may still be contaminated........or it may be good today and
contaminated tomorrow........some people have developed a greater resistance
or immunity to ''Giardia''.
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