[pct-l] Pacific Crest Trailway

Jensen Family billsuej@comcast.net billsuej at comcast.net
Wed Jul 19 21:29:19 CDT 2006

$228.50!!!!  Now I feel better about what I paid (about the same).  That was the real reason I posted it. 

Deems wrote:
It's going to be safe and treasured on my vintage book shelf soon; but I wonder how much Jensen cost me on this one, since I had seen it on ebay long before it was posted on this site, perhaps adding to the feeding frenzy that began shortly thereafter.....Perhaps Jensen will share a beer and a trailtale with me sometime..Either way, I'm happy to be able to have an original Clinton Clarke PCT Guidebook, the first, from 1948. The website is a great way for everyone to enjoy the original, without the cost.. and it is where I first learned about this guidbook. Hikon!

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